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Uploading Media For Your Affiliates

Affelios offers easy storage of affiliate marketing media so your affiliates can quickly access all brand assets needed to promote you.

Updated over a week ago

Why should I upload Media?

There are many benefits to uploading your media to Affelios. By providing media assets to your affiliate network, you're providing wider distribution and access to pre-made links and ads that can be used by affiliates to promote your brand.

You can maintain brand image and messaging consistency when affiliates use approved on-brand assets. This will also save your affiliates time and resources not having to create their own graphics or marketing assets from scratch.

By leveraging Affelios' media management platform, you can promote offers more easily and enhance your results. The centralized access also gives you full control of the assets that is published on affiliate sites, providing you with data that can be used as feedback to help you understand what media assets and offers are working as well as which ones are not.

You can find your media assets by clicking on Media in the left-hand navigation menu.

Create a media asset

Uploading media assets can be precious for affiliates who want to promote your brand. By uploading assets that they can use on their websites or apps, you're providing them with content that helps them, help you.


Configuring a custom landing page for each media asset will give you full control over where a user is redirected on an affiliate's site. So if this URL changes, there's no need to bother the affiliate to request a change, everything happens automagically thanks to Affelios!

Adding HTML5 Media

The Affelios platform supports sharing HTML5 media. To create your HTML5 media, you should follow the Interactive Advertising Bureau's guidelines. Once you have your asset, simply zip the media files and upload it directly to Affelios following the steps above.

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